For users wanting to beginning working with the Raspberry Pi, here is a shopping list for the necessary supplies, optional components and other learning resources to get started.
Raspberry Pi
Power Supply (5 VDC, at least 700 mA)
SD Memory Card (4GB or above)
HDMI Cable
Wireless Network (Optional)
USB Keyboard & Mouse
Case / Enclosure (Optional)
Powered USB Hub (Optional)
Expansion (Optional - Programming)
Kits / Starter Packs
I only rate items that I have personally used and or tested.
- - Highest rating. I really like it and use it regularly.
- - Medium rating. It's OK, there may be a more preferred option.
- - Lowest rating. I don't really like it and/or no longer use it regularly.
Also, please see the Quick Start Guide on the Raspberry Pi website: the Getting Started post on this website
* Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi foundation.
* Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle.